Loše održavan nož na restauraciji (badly maintained chef’s knife restored)

F.Dick, Germany, Ca. 1980-1990 Chef splitting knife (Kuharski nož za raspolovljavanje)

86x8x368mm (516mm total) , stainless


Zarađen za cijenu oštrenja ostalih noževa u pošiljci i cijenu transporta, bio je nož donatorovog oca koji je umro ranije te godine i bio je jedan od 14 noževa koji su došli na restauraciju i oštrenje. Ostali su imali plastičnu dršku tako da su još bili za upotrebu u restoranu. Početno stanje:


Earned for the price of shipping and price of sharpening 13 other knives that were in the same box, it was the sender’s father’s chef knife who passed away earlier that year. Other 13 knives had plastic handles and they were sharpened and returned for the use in the restaurant. Initial condition:


Vrlo izgreban i na mjestima oštećen nož. Drška je drvena u dovoljno prihvatljivom stanju da se ne mora mijenjati. Kompletna restauracija je rađena ručno da se što manje dodatno ošteti nož. Kad se prošlo polovicu širine oštrice, zaštiti se logotip i oznake paketnom trakom:

Getting ready

Very scratched up blade and damaged in certain places along the length of the blade. Handle is in acceptable condition, ne need to replace. Complete rough restauration, removing dings and deep scratches was done by hand with wet sand paper. After 1/2 of the blade width was done, maker logo and markings are protected with box packing tape:

Grubi radovi

U konačnici se ručno izvuče najdublje riseve na oštrici vodobrusnim papirom granulacija od 120 do 600, ručno, svaki potez u istom smjeru u kojem će se na kraju polirati ili matirati završni prolaz.

Rough preparation

In the end treat the deepest scratches on the blade with water wet sanding paper from P120 towards P600, always pulling the sanding paper in the exact same direction, same direction that will be used for final polishing pass


Konačno, još se jednom prođe cijela površina brusnim papirom od 800, ukloni se zaštita oznake i polagano se u istom smjeru kao i prije prođe zona oko logotipa ali bez da se dodiruje uštambiljanu oznaku na oštrici. Prije finalnog poliranja se finom polir pastom lagano potrlja oznaka na oštrici i malo detalnije oko oznake i zatim se oznaka opet zaštiti selotejpom za pakete. Nakon toga se strojno oštrica ispolira na krutu pastu za poliranje do željenog rezultata. Ovaj nož nije naoštren, samo je restauriran budući da neće biti korišten. Dršku se očistilo, prešmirglalo 800 papirom i isto ispoliralo krutom polir pastom da izgleda kao da je friško lakirana.

Konačan vizualni dojam 8.5/10, ali oznake su očuvane i sve na nožu je orginalno što ga čini kolekcionarskim primjerkom.

Finishing touches

Finally, whole surface of the blade is treated once more with 800 grit water sandpaper, clean the blade of residue and metal shavings, then remove the protective tape. Work around the logo and other markings gently with 1000 grit sandpaper then clean the blade again and take a few swipes over the logo and markings themselves with fine polishing paste (3000 grit equivalent), then polish by hand around the markings and when done, clean the blade and re-apply masking tape on the markings. Then proceed to polish with machine buffing wheel to the level that satisfies being careful that the protective tape is not removed in the process, if so, replace it. The handle is sanded down by hand with 800 grit paper and also polished to give it a fresh lacquer look and feel.

Final visual score is 8.5/10, all markings are intact and the knife is completely original as from the factory, making it a collectable piece.